Im now Oficially OpeningSTAFF HIRING.We need persons who willwork selflessly,loyal,and trustworthy.The Following Are the Positions that are open for hiring:
1 Jr.admin
5 Global Moderators
5 Forum Moderators
4 GFX Designers
Informations you need to know...
Admin-who is best in handling varieties of codes. Good in dealing or socializing with other people as well.
Jr Administrators-who knows basic codes. And also good in dealing with other people.
Global Moderators-who are moderators of both forum and cbox. But focuses more on Chatbox, to maintain unity and guard from the distructors of the room.
Forum Moderators-are those who deletes spam posts or useless posts. Who knows how to moderate forum. Bans with a valid reason. He/She protects the forum from spammers.
GFX Designers-are good in handling photo-editing software or creating images using his/her wide range of creativity. Designs images such as siggies, chatbox banners, logos, etc